We’ve enjoyed training in the community centre in Kings Heath but now that the longer days and milder temperatures of the summer months are here, our class is moving back to Cannon Hill Park for the next 12 weeks where we’ll train outside.l.
We will meet by the band stand every Tuesday at 6pm, from 4th June until 20th August. Classes will run for an hour and a half – fitting in a warm up, the tai chi dance, a partner exercise such as stick hands, kai men (breathing & stretching exercises) and the tai chi form.
To add to club funds we’re asking for a payment of £5 a class, or if you want to pay for all 12 classes in a block, there is a discounted rate of £50. You can pay via PayPal using one of the links on this page:
If you’d like to join us, you can just turn up, or please get in touch if you have any questions.
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